Support Curtis

Enhancing Your Child’s Education

We are fortunate to have a community of families that is deeply committed to supporting our educational mission and is actively involved in the life of the school.
We are tremendously proud of the strength of this longstanding partnership. We invite families to become engaged in the Curtis community and to embrace opportunities to enhance each child’s educational journey.

List of 4 items.

  • Curtis Fund

    At the beginning of the school year, each family is asked to make a meaningful gift to the Curtis Fund that is commensurate with their financial ability. As is true of almost every independent school, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of educating a student at Curtis. Tax-deductible contributions to the Curtis Fund enable the school to grow with confidence and deliver the best possible learning experience for our students.

    Learn more about how your gift to the Curtis Fund supports Curtis.
  • Gift Planning

    Remembering Curtis in your estate plan is a meaningful way to ensure the school’s ability to continue to fulfill its educational mission into the future. Planned gifts honor the lasting impact that Curtis has in the lives of our alumni, families, and friends.

    Learn more about Planned Giving options at Curtis School and contact Jennifer Johnson, Director of Advancement, with any questions.
  • Curtis Parents Association

    All parents/guardians are encouraged to engage in the life of our school by participating in the Parents Association, which organizes and supports community-building and fundraising activities throughout the year. The close working relationship of the Parents Association with the administration and faculty is a unique strength of our school that enhances the experience of our entire community. Net proceeds from the PA’s activities, including the Curtis Fair and Curtis Celebrates!, benefit the school’s Financial Aid Program.

    Learn more about the Parents Association.
  • Capital Giving

    On occasion, the school may embark on an initiative that requires the allocation of significant additional monetary resources. Currently, Curtis is planning an exciting capital campaign to fund the construction of a first-of-its-kind Innovation Building for use by students in all grades. Planning and construction will require funds in excess of our annual Curtis Fund goal.

    Learn more about the Think Forward campaign. 

Curtis School

15871 Mulholland Drive  ·  Los Angeles CA 90049