It’s a Record! 700+ Loaves for St. Joseph Center

For over 20 years, Curtis students have come together to bake pumpkin bread for families served by the St. Joseph Center and this year was no exception.
The week before Thanksgiving, 4th and 6th graders worked together to joyfully pour, measure, mix, and bake over 700 loaves of pumpkin bread — the most loaves our students have ever baked! Our 3rd-4th grade Buds and DK-2nd grade Seedlings student community service groups added festive touches by making and decorating cards to tie onto the wrapped loaves. Our volunteer parents donated ingredients and wrapped the loaves to be delivered. Students love this longstanding tradition that helps grow their Curtis compassionate hearts. 

St. Joseph Center is a local non-profit that provides food and a variety of services for families in need who reside in Venice and Santa Monica. In partnership with the Clippers and Ralphs, the St. Joseph Center distributes baskets filled with food to make a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and the loaves our students so joyfully made will be added to these. 

Service learning is an integral element of our educational program and inspires students to look outward to contribute to the greater good. Curtis is beyond grateful for our students, who are so eager to participate in activities that serve others, and for the dedication of our long-serving upper elementary teachers Debra Cohen and Debbie Taus-Kahn, who are committed to ensuring that this heartfelt tradition continues.

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Curtis School

15871 Mulholland Drive  ·  Los Angeles CA 90049